The law of Christ is not limited to a list of Ten.
Read MoreWhat is it like to wrestle sin by the flesh rather than by the Holy Spirit?
Read MoreRomans 7 teaches us that how we fight sin matters.
Read MoreIn Christ we are under the jurisdiction of the Spirit, not the Law.
Read MoreSalvation is all of God, all of his grace, based upon Christ’s work alone, for all who believe. This Gospel leaves no room for human pride.
Read MoreFor the apostle Paul, the gospel sits in the seat of honor. It is the power of God for salvation. It is the everything of ministry and the everything of the Christian life.
Read MoreIt’s not enough to agree that we live in a broken world. We need to get serious about the sin in our own lives.
Read MoreUnion with Christ is the epicenter of the Christian life.
Read MoreWhat God has already done for us in the gospel, the work that is finished and complete in Jesus Christ, stands as the foundation and the motivation of our entire Christian life.
Read MoreOne of the biggest complaints about the church is its hypocrisy. People see it, and we can’t just brush it aside by saying there is no perfect church.
Read MoreHow would you summarize the whole Old Testament? If you think of it as a list of commands, you are missing the point.
Read MoreGrace is the heartbeat of the Christian life.
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