Here’s why Sola Scriptura is etched on my heart.
Read MoreBecause the teaching of God's grace is so foundational to true Christianity, it is always under attack.
Read MoreWhere is your mind?
Read MoreGod the Father has shown the depths of his love for us in an unmistakable way.
Read MoreJesus is not just one of the many sons of Abraham. He is "the son of Abraham."
Read MoreIf salvation could be by our works, Christ died in vain.
Read MoreIf we are going to experience God's riches and grace and the power of the Spirit in our lives, it is going to be in the context of the church
Read MoreWhen the creation account comes up, we can get so defensive about the particulars we forget that the central testimony of creation is not just how it was done, but why.
Read MoreBecause of who God is and what he’s done, the only thing that makes sense is to serve him with all we’ve got!
Read MorePreaching does not equal pastoring.
Read MoreWe Christians are known for our outspoken opposition to many things. But there is (at least) one prevalent sin I have yet to hear Christians protest against.
Read MoreWhy do we gather every week? What are we trying to accomplish together? What does it mean to belong to Living Hope Fellowship?
Our new Wednesday evening class begins tonight at 6:30.
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