Remedies Against Temptation


Pray for God's Protection. Many times, when seized by temptation, we run from God. Something sinister warring against us still pulls us toward sin (Rm 7:23). Some part of us, in opposition to our New Man, desires to sin. Instead of running away, run to God in prayer. Jesus taught us to pray "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil (Mt 6:13), not that God tempts anyone (Ja 1:13) but that he alone is our Deliverer. Even when our spirits are willing to do the right thing, evil lurks nearby (Rm 7:21). In Gethsemane, Jesus told his apostles to "Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Mt 26:41). May we not sleep but pray when temptations threaten us. And may we not be over-confident in our ability to fight sin; the disciples fled from Christ instead of fleeing sin. Pray hard!

Respond With God's Word. Jesus responded to the devil’s temptations with God’s Word to defend against the Adversary (Lk 4:1-13). It is important to not only memorize Scripture but to know the context of those Scriptures. The devil himself quoted a portion of Psalm 91 verbatim but twisted its meaning, misapplying it. Christ repelled this with Scripture applied correctly. He did not detach the verse from its context. The devil memorizes Scripture, too! All the more reason to know your Bible in context.

Remember That Temptation is Not a Sin. Christ was tempted but did not sin. It’s encouraging to know we can honor God in the midst of temptation as Christ did. Also, Christ is able to sympathize with our weaknesses (He 4:15)! But this should also give us caution because we are often unable to determine where temptation ends and sin begins.

Avoid Temptation's Path Altogether. If possible, avoid temptation's path altogether! You know the way. Don't meander there. Don't think that you are strong enough to ignore sin’s seducing power. Such a one is a fool and a simpleton! "Let not your heart turn aside to her ways; do not stray into her paths, for many a victim has she laid low, and all her slain are a mighty throng. Her house is the way to Sheol, going down to the chambers of death" (Pr 7:25-27).

Run From Temptation! Potiphar's wife could illustrate Solomon's words above. She laid temptation on thick while her husband was away. We have no indication that Joseph was enticed by Potiphar's wife. Rather, he exclaimed his desire to honor the Lord. "How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God (Gn 39:9)?" But one day, enough was enough. It was time to run and Joseph fled. Flee the scene of sin before it's too late.

Choose Your Friends Wisely. Paul found these words from a Greek poet true enough, “Bad company ruins good morals” (1 Co 15:33). Solomon would agree. "Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man, lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare" (Pr 22:24-25). If you hang out in the wrong crowd, you're playing with fire. Choose your influences wisely, not just the people you actually know but newscasters and authors, musicians, celebrities, and so forth. Who is influencing you?

Put on A Suit of Armor.

Paul ordered the Ephesians to "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil" (Ep 6:11). Far from being mystical and abstract, Paul links the symbolic pieces of the armor to the blessings of the gospel already in the church's possession because of Christ. The armor rehearses the gospel. The salvation and righteousness that we have in Christ, our faith in Christ, the truth fully revealed in Christ, should be the mediation of our hearts in the face of evil. Focusing on all that is ours in Christ helps us stand against the devil with God’s power (Ep 6:10).

Stand against Satan Collectively. When Paul lays out the defensive posture of spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6, it is in the context of the church as a whole. The verbs are plural. We cannot adequately fight temptation alone. One man does not make a phalanx! May we all unite behind our collective shields of faith, standing shoulder to shoulder in the church!

Be Aware of Satan's Schemes. We have an enemy who lusts after our destruction and disunity. While we should not major on them, we should be aware of his schemes. He has predictable strategies. When we rightly apply Scripture by promoting and protecting the gospel, we will "not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs" (2 Co 2:5-11). Do not be naive to Satan's tactics.

Be on Guard For Prowling. Prowlers seek to be stealthy. They often target the unsuspecting. Do not loiter through your spiritual life. If you do, you will be an easier target for the devil. There is no room for lazy living as a Christian! Instead, "Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour" (1 Pt 5:8). What do we do when we are confronted by the Tempter? We resist him firm in the faith of Christ (5:9). Be prepared in advance!

Understand That Temptation Is Common To All. Temptation is something that everyone faces. The sins we succumb to are common to man (1 Co 10:13). We are not fighting unusual battles that our brothers and sisters around the world are not (1 Pt 5:9). This should give us both encouragement and caution—encouragement because we are just like everyone else and caution because we are just like everyone else. What do I mean? On the one hand, it is helpful to know that we are not alone in our struggles. On the other hand, we must be cautioned not to over-inflate the ferocity of temptations we face as if we are facing larger battles than others around us. When that mindset settles in, justification for succumbing to sin quickly follows. Remain there long enough and disaster will detonate. Disgraced minister, Ravi Zacharias is an infamous example of such self-deception. He blamed his egregious sins on inordinate ministry pressures, as if he was more severely tempted than others. Rather than take the Spirit's path of escape, he continued to indulge in sexual immorality just like those who perished in the wilderness (1 Co 10:8, 13). His temptations were common to man. His handling of them was reprehensible.

Realize You Are In Danger of Falling Into the Same Sins as Others. The sins of Zacharias (and many others like him) brings me to another point: to fight temptation, we must always be aware that we are capable of falling into the same snares as others. We are not immune to sinning in egregious ways. As you see others ensnared in transgressions, "Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted" (Ga 6:1). If you think you are too mighty to fall, watch out! "Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall" (1 Co 10:12).

Do Not Say, 'The Devil Made Me Do It.' Finally, face the reality that temptations do not just come from the Tempter or the Seductress or your Eddie Haskell type of friends. Temptations come from within you! You must know Scripture and Satan's schemes. But you must also know yourself. "But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death" (Ja 1:14-15). Thankfully, God has brought us forth, out of death, into new life (1:18). And very soon, he will give the crown of life to the Steadfast.

"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial,
for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life,
which God has promised to those who love him."

James 1:12