Open Your Heart


The story of all existence is the story of God's goodness. I think about it often, especially in the depths of winter as rain prepares the land for the new growth of spring: everyone on earth is currently benefiting from God's providence whether they recognize it or not. The simple fact of our being alive testifies to his goodness.

Greater still, God has provided His Son, the only sinless man, as a sacrifice so that those who believe in Him will be forgiven of their sins and gain eternal life with Him. If you are looking for the meaning of life, it is that God be glorified through the good news of His Gospel. If you are here today and have not trusted Christ yet, I encourage you in the strongest way to turn your life to Him.

We see in the New Testament (and hopefully in our own lives) that when we come to truly believe that Christ died as a sacrifice for all of our sins, that truth transforms our hearts, our lives, our behaviors, and our reactions. Christ teaches in the Sermon on the Mount:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.”
(Matt. 5.43-45)

We Christians are to be known for forgiveness, love, kindness, and generosity, for while we were guilty, we were forgiven. While we were in rebellion from God, He loved us. While our hearts were hard, He was kind enough to give us new hearts, and Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice for us. When the weight of this gets deep into our souls, we can't help but be changed. 

If you are reading this and already believe, I want to encourage you to keep God's providential care in the forefront of your mind. Remember all that God has done for you. As we go out into the world, we may become worried, frustrated, or discouraged by situations and the state of things. Remember the words of Moses from Exodus 14.13 which we heard in last week's sermon: “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today.”

God is not only good, He is in control and He is mighty. His plan will not be foiled. For those of us who are His people, this is very good news.

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