The Water of the Word
When I am really thirsty, I find that what I need is a glass of water. That may sound obvious, but there are many other, less reliable beverage choices I could make when hydration is the true order of business.
As the deer pants for the water, we as Christians long to draw near to God, to have a relationship with Him, to speak to Him and to hear from Him. The great news for us is that God's word is available through His revealed scripture.
If I could recommend a single practice to any Christian, it would be to read the scriptures daily. I will admit, I was a surprisingly long time into my Christian life before I began to do this myself.
I can tell you from experience that this practice has drawn me so much closer to God because I get to know Him better each day. I know His unchangeable character and I daily grow deeper in my faith by hearing what He has seen fit to record about Himself.
As for me and my own feelings, boy oh boy, are they ever changeable! A bad commute, a missed meal, a poor night's sleep and my whole outlook on the universe alters! Knowing my own frailties and flounderings with painful accuracy, I long to know God as He really is, not as unreliable me might fancy Him to be, not as anything I would make up!
The apostle Paul tells us in 2 Timothy, βAll Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.β
To hear from God, all we have to do is go to His revealed word. Accept no imitations. Nothing else will satisfy.
John Owen